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Monday, June 16, 2008


So theres this thing called Illustration Friday and I've been meaning to participate the past few weeks, but I've been so busy that it's close to the following Friday before it's getting close to finished. This time, I kept it a little simpler. The theme is 'Punchline'. This makes sense to me, but comment if it's too vague. I'm curious if it comes across like intended.


GMH said...

This was one of my [other] ideas for this week's IF!

Someone else already did something with my other idea (involving drinkable punch) so now I have to brainstorm even more!

Well done, I would have gotten it immediately even if we hadn't apparently been on the same brainwave.

benconservato said...

Not bad, not bad. Very clever.

Gabe said...

That's so awesome.

thomas pitilli said...

Cool. Totally get it.

lauren said...

I love this. Good movement.