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Sunday, August 24, 2008

R.U.R.'s Recycled Beats

So originally, this I was working this up for Illustration Friday. But it kind of went in a different direction. The theme was 'routine', but while I mulled that around in my head, at some point it turned into 'repetition'... And while that's a similar theme, I think I ended up fairly removed from the original topic. In the end though I think I came up with a cool piece, and isn't that what really matters when it comes to these free/fun competitions?


Gabe said...

Reminds me a lot of Mahfood's stuff.

I dig it.

INDIGENE said...

Very cool indeed!

Josh (musarter) said...

Cool style. Nice work.

Sandy said...

Very nice, I dig the style and it does remind me of a routine beat. :)

damon said...



like you style cool drawing